Hey once again! Â I know it’s been almost a year, but I finally got a new show up talking about my love for projects and building cool stuff. Â I’m deep in the middle of building a new set & some control panels for my TSF podcast. Â Above you can see a pic from a couple weeks back on my progress. Â I love doing this kind of stuff but these days my time is limited and it’s hard to fit this in. Â But, I made some good progress over the holidays and getting closer to the end of phase one of this. Â Anyway, hope you enjoy this little “on the road” from my car podcast. Â I hope to get back to doing more of these shows. Â Anyway, take care until next time!
Songs on this show:
Intro – “Animal†– Neon Trees
Outro – “1983†– Neon Trees

On this show I talk about how cold this winter has been in Michigan and my recent furnace repair that I did on our home gas furnace. Â You don’t want to be without heat at this time of year up here in the cold midwest and I tell you all about my recent adventure in home repairs. Â Another fun little show and I hope you enjoy it. Â I’ll be back soon with another tale from the Attic of my Mind!
Songs on this show:
Intro – “Shut Up and Dance” – Walk the Moon
Outro – “Shake it Off” – Taylor Swift

For this short cast I talk about traveling for work and for fun too! Â I’ve had a few trips to take lately and have some more coming up soon. Â I enjoying traveling, meeting new people and seeing new places. Â It’s great to visit places you have never been before and learn about other areas of the country and the world. Â Sometimes travel can be tiring too and I talk about the pluses and minuses of doing a lot of travel. Â A fun, short show that I hope you all enjoy. Â Take care and get out there and explore new places when you can! Â Until next time…
Songs on this show:
Intro – “Crazy” – Gnarls Barkley
Outro – “Superhero” – Tim McMorris

This time out on the podcast I discuss a couple of subjects. Â First, I give a spoiler free mini-review of the awesome new movie “Guardians of the Galaxy.” Â This movie I had hoped would be great and it is even more awesome and wonderful than I had hoped. Â It is a rare film these days that makes you smile, laugh, maybe cry a little and just have a huge fun time watching it all unfold on the screen. Â A really super movie and everyone should run out and see it now! Â My other topic for this show is talking about summer projects around my house – mainly getting ready to paint the outside. Â It’s a big project but I’m working at it a little at a time. Â I discuss the trick of finding time to work on this and do other stuff too. Â Anyway, hope everyone enjoys the podcast. Â I’ll try and be back in a month with another show (or sooner).
Songs on this show:
Intro – “Come and Get Your Love” – Redbone
Outro – “Go All the Way” – Raspberries

I’m back baby! Â Yes, after about 3 years the epic return of my mini-cast show, “Attic of my Mind.” Â It’s been awhile but I’ve really missed doing this show and have wanted to get back to it for a long time now – so here I am. Â On this episode I chat about the conundrum of balancing work and your home life. Â It’s a tricky act to pull off well and it’s always a push-pull situation. Â For me in recent weeks work has been very hectic so it’s important to not let it overwhelm me. Â I can’t even recall those somewhat empty days years ago when I was looking for a new job. Â Anyway, just a fun little topic and one that has been on my mind lately. Â I play some cool music at the start and end of the show too. Â So, please let me know what you think of this latest return cast and I hope this starts me back doing a bunch more of these over the coming months and beyond too! Â Enjoy!!
Songs on this show:
Intro – “Ain’t It Fun†– Paramore
Outro – “Love Me Again†– John Newman

Yes, I’m back! After a two year absence I am back finally with a new podcast. It’s been awhile and much has changed. But much has stayed the same too. Probably many of you know what’s been going on with me already on the job scene and other things, but I delve a bit deeper into things on this special podcast. I hope you get a kick out of it and enjoy what I have to say this time out. I hope to get back to doing these every few weeks or so. Anyway, enjoy the show and let me know what you think.
Songs on this show:
Intro – “Long and Winding Road†– The Beatles
Outro – “The Lonely Man†– from “The Incredible Hulk”

Well, I’m finally back after an absence of several months from doing this little show. It’s been a crazy time. As many of you know, back in February I lost my job (like many people) and have been hard at work trying to get a new one! I’ve been through this once before back in 2002 so I learned a few things. I recorded this podcast in my car a few days ago while I went on a little road trip. I discuss some of my recent thoughts, feelings and discoveries about being unemployed again. It’s a somewhat difficult time, but I remain hopeful and optimistic. I know everything will work out – eventually. It might take more time than I would like, but I will get a new job and hopefully a good one too! So, sit back and enjoy this cast.
Songs on this show:
Intro (short) – “Puttin’ on the Ritz†– Taco
Outro – “Second Chance†– by Shinedown

* * * * *
We got quite a bit of snow already here in Michigan. Last weekend over Thanksgiving I recorded some of it coming down and Kaylee (the Wonder Dog) playing and running around in it. It looked very pretty coming down (I just hate driving in it). I hope you enjoy this little video and it gets you in the mood for the upcoming holidays. Sorry it took so long to get another show up. Hope to do another one or tow in the next few weeks. Check your feeds, iTunes, or just download this most recent show HERE. Take care!

Well this time out I did a videocast for all of you to enjoy. I filmed some of me fixing a broken pipe on my sprinkler system a few weeks back. Not super exciting or funny but I enjoyed doing it and it all worked out pretty good. I’m not a big fan of doing plumbing but I managed to get through this one this time. Hope you enjoy watching me play repairman – again. Oh – hopefully I’ll do more vidcasts here in the future! Enjoy the show! Link HERE to the show if you need it.

Again there was a very large gap between shows. Hopefully, the next in between time won’t be nearly as long. Actually I might even get a video podcast up here in about a week or so. Anyway, this cast covers the recent Charity Movie Marathon I just went to yesterday. This event allows you to watch as many movies as you want over a 24 time period while raising money for Children’s Leukemia. I managed to see five new movies I hadn’t seen yet this summer. All were pretty ok. Some better than others – of course. I recorded little bits between the films for this podcast. I hope you enjoy it!
Songs on this show:
Intro – “The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning†-Smashing Pumpkins
Outro – “The Boys of Summer†– by The Ataris
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