Show # 14: Home Repair
Ξ April 10th, 2008 | → 2 Comments | ∇ Podcasts |
The podcast this time is about home repairs. Specifically, how I had to get my home water heater replaced last week when it began to leak. I am pretty good at most work and stuff around the house. I really enjoy it too. But plumbing and me have never gotten along very well. So I had to go to Lowe’s and order a new water heater and have their guy install it. This ended up causing me some problems and difficulties. Some about some unusual pricing tactics and also about how it took a couple of trips for the guy to get the job done right. Anyway, all is well now but I think you will enjoy hearing the tale. Hopefully I won’t have to do this all again anytime soon. Enjoy the cast!
Songs on this show:
Intro – “I Melt With You†– by Bowling for Soup
Outro – “Our House†– by Madness