Just a little show in the car on the road today as I do some post Christmas errands. I chat about the new movie “National Treasure: Book of Secrets” that I saw today with my friend Mark. I liked it quite a bit. These are a fun series of movies. Then I talk a little about some Christmas things I received and the fun of spending holiday gift cards. I wrap up the show at the end with how after Christmas is sort of like the relaxing time after a wedding at a reception. The tough part is over and now we can all relax. Oh and email me your New Year’s resolutions – if you do that sort of thing. Until next time, enjoy the rest of 2007!
Songs on this show:
Intro – “Aurora†– by Lapush
Outro – “Baby, it’s Cold Outside†– by Leon Redbone & Zooey Daschanel

Just put up a little show I recorded this afternoon in the car on the way to the dentist. I chat about all the snow we recently got here in Michigan and how bad the city of Detroit ignores the roads. They seem to think cars are snow plows! It was pretty bad yesterday morning on the way to work. I also comment a little bit on global warming and my thoughts on that. Nothing too heavy but I think you might find it interesting. Getting closer to Christmas now and I hope to do another “Attic” show on or around the big day! Take care until then!
Songs on this show:
Intro – “Blind†– by Mega Bass
Outro – “The Start of Something†– by Voxtrot

On this new show I get a bit nostalgic and talk about days gone by and the upcoming holidays. It seems there are days I long for a simpler time and life perhaps. I think it’s important to slow down a bit at this busy time and enjoy what really matters – visiting with friends and family. I hope you enjoy this new show and a further look into my mind. Hehe! (Note: The picture of “Edgewater Park” is a place I went to many times growing up in Detroit. We lived close enough to walk to it. Ah, those were the days.)
Songs on this show:
Intro – “Life in a Northern Town†– by The Dream Academy
Outro – “Old Days†– by Chicago