Attic Podcast # 10 – “LIFE”

Ξ January 24th, 2008 | → 1 Comments | ∇ Podcasts |


Finally got some time driving home today to record a new, short Attic show. This time out I discuss the recent sad news of the death of actor Heath Ledger. I’d always enjoyed his work and it’s really a shame to lose someone so talented and young. I’m looking forward to seeing one of his final performances as the Joker in the new “Batman” film this coming summer. When things like this happen it make me appreciate life even more. We really have such a short time on this planet we should try and make the most of it and appreciate it every day. I also chat a little about how much I am enjoying the new cop show “Life.” The main character is quirky and fun to watch. He has an interesting Zen like attitude about the world around him which is refreshing. I’ve been catching up with it on NBC’s new site called HULU. Take a look when you get the chance. That’s about it for this time out folks. Hope you enjoyed this show and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Songs on this show:

Intro – “I’ll be OK” – by McFly

Outro – “Wonderful” – by Adam Ant




One Response to ' Attic Podcast # 10 – “LIFE” '

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  1. jedijeff said,

    on January 24th, 2008 at 7:23 pm

    Hi Rico, great podcast. I agree that it was to bad about Heath Ledger, and incidents like this make us realize how important life is. I felt Heath had a bright future ahead of him, so tragic for it to come to an end so fast, and possibly accidently as well.
    I glad to hear that you are enjoying the TV show Life. I started watching it at the start of the season, as it had Damien Lewis in it, and I really liked him in Band of Brothers. I like the way he plays Charlie in the show, and like how they set up the show each week, with interesting cases, and his unique way of handeling it. The larger story arc is interesting as well, and adds a bit more depth to the show for me.

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