Show # 15: New York

Ξ May 1st, 2008 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Podcasts |

The show this time is about my recent business trip to New York.  It was a pretty crazy trip.  I recount my delayed flight issues, rain and the crazy EZ-Pass toll road system in the New York area.  This is one place I haven’t visited a lot even though it is fairly close to Michigan where I live.  Lot’s of traffic and a crazy road system – at least where I was going.  Thank goodness for GPS in the rental car.  Sometimes traveling a short distance is more difficult than even going to a far off foreign country.  Well, I hope you get a kick out of the show.  Feel free to comment about some of your travel experiences – especially to the New York state area.  Later….

Songs on this show:

Intro – “For You” – The Outfield

Outro – “Believe” – by The Bravery



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